I'm willing to bet 2000% percent of everyone who clicked on the link didn't even notice anything wrong until it started...
Age 93, Male
Joined on 9/28/08
I'm willing to bet 2000% percent of everyone who clicked on the link didn't even notice anything wrong until it started...
Flig Floggity Flip Floop
Flig Flaggedy Flap Flim
Flig Fidgety Fickle Finn
Flig Flumble Fidgety Fun
Flug Flobbity Flambo Flick
U suck.
Haha so good, all the madness fags are mad xD
Once you have started to read this,there is no turning back.A little 10 year old girl was raped and murderded in 1945. her body was not found until 1947.Then a boy last week read this and did not copy and paste this message.The dead girl appeared in his room haunting him and killed him. If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 Profiles in 30 minutes, the dead girl will appear in your room tonight and haunt you and kill you.
This is legit.